Waiting for next year's VMAs won't be hard with these 5 music games on iOS

By , on August 22, 2018
Last modified 6 years, 6 months ago

With the VMAs over and done with some of you might be feeling a little blue. No more amazing performances, no more questionable tributes, no more celebrity drama (kidding – there'll always be celebrity drama), at least for another year.

If you're already missing celebrating the world's best funky beats there's no need to fret. These musical mobile games may not blare Ariana Grande out at full volume or come with their own stream of catty comments, but there's a lot of fun to be had with or without headphones.

Muse Dashdownload on iOS for £2.99/$2.99

Striking graphics, anime characters, and fresh beats – what's there not to like here?

It may take a sweet second for you to get a hang of the controls, but Muse Dash mashes up rhythm-based gameplay with autorunning brawler mechanics and we're so down for it. Though you're fighting things and interacting with items as you go, you can't just smash the sides of the screen and hope for the best. No, this requires your full concentration.

If you're after a game that'll genuinely offer you up a decent challenge and one that doesn't hold your hand, this one's for you.

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Incrediboxdownload on iOS for £3.99/$3.99

Sometimes you don't really want to fight bad guys to the beat, you just want to lay down some funky beats and make music – especially if you're a fan of a cappella.

Through a number of different categories, like instruments, percussion, voices, and more, you'll drag up different guys and try to create the best beat possible. If you make the right combos you might unlock animated bonuses in-game, and if you're feeling super confident in what you made you can share it with the world.

It's simple, but damn it's addictive.

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Geometry Dashdownload on iOS for £1.99/$1.99

Alright, alright, this isn't a new game and one you're probably familiar with, but how could I make a list of music games and NOT include Geometry Dash?

I spent many a' wandering hour at university digging into this moreish, irritating rhythm game and I got really good at it too. It's a punishing, cruel game at times, but you feel so good when you complete a level – usually after hours of failing.

Aside from its platformer, reaction-based goodness, what makes it worthy of taking up a seat here is that the music is actually, well, good. It's great to listen to and serves a purpose in terms of gameplay too.

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Deemodownload on iOS for £1.99/$1.99

Deemo has a mix of things to love – awesome, rhythm-based gameplay and a beautiful, urban fantasy story that's well worth sinking your teeth into.

After a young girl falls from the sky with no memories whatsoever, the mystical creature Deemo has to help her back into her world by playing the piano. It's got ultra-simple controls, but its challenge is nothing to snuff at.

Ironically, despite really loving these sorts of games, I've got incredibly jittery thumbs and can't quite get to the pro level. You've got to press the symbols on the screen at exactly the right time, so you do feel like you're physically playing out the whole song. Sounds silly, but it's just… nice.

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Cytus IIdownload on iOS for £1.99/$1.99

Yes, shock horror, another Rayark title. Cytus II only launched in January this year, but this is another story-driven rhythm game that's well worth your time.

If you enjoy the chaos that some music games can bring, this title will be right up your alley. You need to tap, hold, or drag in the right areas once the 'judgement line' hits it to get the very best score and awesome combos.

You can buy more tracks if you want to, but it's not necessary. You've got 30 tracks out the gate to play through, a bunch of difficulties, and a neat, virtual world to enjoy.

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