Random Heroes 2 details emerge

By , on February 6, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 11 months ago

Ravenous Games has released some new information on the upcoming Random Heroes 2. You might know Ravenous as the developer behind the League of Evil series, or the recent, really enjoyable platformer Infestor.

Random Heroes 2 is set to follow in the pixel style footsteps of Ravenous's earlier games, but they've made a few tweaks to try and assuage the problems fans had with the first game. The controls are now customisable, you can move backwards and shoot forwards, and a sliding fire button lets you take control of your vertical aim.

Random Heroes 2 Screenshot

There'll be more 3 zones to blast your way through, each with 30 levels and a boss battle at the end. Throw in crystal skulls and stars you can collect in each level and you're left with a decent chunk of side-scrolling violence.

Random HEroes 2 Image 2

There's no solid release date for the game yet, but Ravenous says the game will be finished sometime this month, so it shouldn't be too far off now.

Via TouchArcade