Mushroom Wars 2 features re-worked multiplayer, deeper gameplay, and UFOs

By , on July 1, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 6 months ago

The original Mushroom Wars went down rather well with fans and critics alike when it was released, focusing as it did on realtime strategy and adorable visuals.

Mushroom Wars 2 has just been announced, and from early word on the game, it looks like it'll be more of the same army-battling shenanigans and warring toadstools.

The game's publisher Zillion Whales just dropped a big package of details about it onto us, and the company is promising an all new single player mode of over 20 stages, with multiple difficulty levels, set across the Mushroom Universe, complete with new enemies, and new battle tactics to implement.

If you win an encounter it'll give you a boost to your morale, which will pep up your units and allow them to fight better in subsequent matches. Lose a scrap, and the opposite will happen.

Online multiplayer will take place with upto four people, and across 30 maps, with tournament play for the ultra-competitive among us.

This press release I'm getting the info from also says you'll “learn the secrets behind the mysterious flying saucer”, so apparently there are UFOs too. Neat!

Mushroom Wars 2 is scheduled to be released in Q3 of 2014 on iPhone and iPad, and will be free-to-play.

What do you think of the recent spate of cutesy warfare games? Do you want more titles like Romans in my Carpet! and Mushroom Wars on iOS?