Voltaire (collecte de livres)(Français)
- App Store Info
This application contains Voltaire's book in Français.Voltaire (collecte de livres)(Français). y compris:
* Abrégé de l'Histoire Universelle depuis Charlemagne jusques à Charlequint (Tome Premier)
* Le Blanc Et Le Noir
* Correspondance de Voltaire avec le roi de Prusse
* Jeannot Et Colin
* Le Monde Comme Il Va, Vision De Babouc
* La mort de César Tragédie en trois actes - avec les changemens fait par le citoyen Gohier ministre de la justice
* Romans — Volume 1: Zadig
* Romans — Volume 2: Memnon
* Romans — Volume 3: Micromegas
* Romans — Volume 4: Candide
* Romans — Volume 5: L'Ingenue
* Romans — Volume 6: Histoire Des Voyages De Scarmentado
* Vie De Molière
Please check the application web site for video introduction of the application.
The reader application provides the following important customer benefits:
* True full screen reading mode
* Real time font/font size and color/texture previews allow you to select fonts and colors and see in real time what pages would look like
– Support all iPhone's available fonts
– Support different font size
– Support 70+ font color /background color/texture
* Continuous reading experience (One tap for page down/up; Left/right swipe to next/previous chapter/story)
* Portrait and landscape reading mode (support all 4 orientations)
* Remembers the last reading location (exact book, chapter and scroll position)
* Quick scrolling navigation between chapters/stories to provide an overview of the entire book
* Quick reference feature and web browser type functions maintain user's browser history
* Displays rich formatted HTML book (NOT plain text)
* Quick and easy access to the Reader Instruction/Help
Opration Instructions:
* Each chapter/story is displayed in a continuous page, use finger to scroll the page down/up to read:
- One tap on the top 1/4 of the screen to page up
- One tap on the bottom 1/4 of the screen to page down
- Swipe Left/right to the next/previous chapter
- Pinch in/out to change font size.
* Double tap on the screen to pop up the control panel to access all available controls