Beard+ Photo Editor with ifunny beards for 9gag
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If you need a new look, this is the app you need!Get instantly new beard and look like a brave guy.
Rockstar baby ;)
A lot of stuff included:
+Hunting Rifles
+Many More
Beard+ is the full version perfect photo booth for Duck Dynasty fans. Try it now and share the results via Email, Facebook and Twitter.
-Works with photos taken with iPhone/iPad Camera or browsed from your photo library
-Choose from hundreds of items. Infinite number of ways to decorate your picture.
-Select Beards, Sunglasses, Caps, Accessories, and many more
-Add Text and Captions
-Use Filters, Control Transparency, Flip, Use Eraser, and Many More
-Upload results on your Facebook/Twitter
-Send 'Picture Email' to your friends and families.
-Save results to Your Device
Duck Dynasty is copyright of its respective owners. This app is developed for entertainment purpose only for Duck Dynasty fans.