Date and Escape
- Publisher: Xiamen ZStime Co., Ltd.
- Genre: Entertainment
- Released: 5 Jun, 2010
- Size: 14.7 MB
- Price: $0.99
- App Store Info
Best game ever - ★★★★★by Legend 0 zelda - Version 2010.05.25 - 15 June 2010
First comment cool idea so cool and funny
unglaublig lustig - ★★★★★
by Sabrina Peters - Version 2010.05.25 - 06 June 2010
Das ist unglaublig lustig und einfach zu spielen!
Henry picks up his girlfriend when he meets her outraged dad. You better take care of Bob or he'll the one taking care of you.
Speed your way to safety or you shall feel Bob's wrath. A motion sensitive IPhone game that bring keeps you stuck on the screen.
Game Instruction:
Tilt your device forward and backward to control Henry’s car. Avoid Bob!
Water hydrants, sewage covers and watermelons are the most effective items to keep the safe distance between you and Bob. Make good use of them to bash Bob to while achieving the most points each hit!
Wrenches, stones and beer bottles are less effective but are still helpful in keeping distance while achieving some points each hit.
Bananas, newspapers and pet bowls helps only slightly while achieving the least points each hit.
Cross wrenches can repair Henry’s car, pick them up in crucial times.
Have more practice to control Henry’s car skillfully so you can better avoid Bob. The longer you play the higher your score.