Poultry Keeper
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Pocket guide for smallholders, home poultry keepers, breeders, enthusiasts and budding urban farmers.Which are the best layers? How many eggs can you expect? What kind of conditions suit which breeds? Which make the best pets? Which produce the best meat?
Picture reference - how to recognize individual breeds by their feet, cone, plumage and eggs. Learn about different breeds' characteristics including hardiness, broodiness, aggression, rate of maturity, times of year that they lay and more.
Tips on keeping single breeds or mixed flocks. Includes information on the background of breeds; where the originate from and how they were bred. Summary and links to further information from wikipedia and other resources.
Featuring over 60 breeds from Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, Russia, Spain, USA and the UK including:
Araucana, Ancona, Barnevelder, Bearded d'Anvers, Braekel, Black Shumen, Booted Bantam, Chantecler, Cochin, Cornish, Croad Langshan, Cubalaya, Delaware, Derbyshire Redcap, Dorking, Faverolles, Fayoumi, Frizzle, Hamburg, Houdan, Japanese Bantam, Jersey Giant, Kraienkopp, Lakenvelders, La Flèche, Marans, Orpington, Plymouth Rock, Red Shaver, Silkie, Sumatra, Sussex, Vorwerk, Welsummer, White-Faced Black, Yurlov Crower and many more.
Icon image credit: Paul Nettles at flickr.