Islam Tunes → Islamic music, songs, nasheeds, naats fo...
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Islam Tunes is a collection of classic Islamic songs (without musical instruments), nasheeds, naats and poems for both adults and children.Featuring:
+ 6 versions of 'Ghuraba'
+ Dunya
+ La Ilaha Illallah
+ Mawla Ya Salli
+ Nahmadullah Wahdahu
+ Tala Albadru Alayna
+ Ya Ilahi
+ Ya Shabab
& more to come!
+ Jannah by Ammar
+ Poems by Boonaa Mohammad
& more to come!
+ Alif Ba Ta Song
& more to come!
If you have feedback, please contact us.
Please send us your MP3s so we can add them to the app (must be copyright-free).