Cyw S4C
- Publisher: S4C
- Genre: Entertainment
- Released: 12 Dec, 2012
- Size: 33.2 MB
- Price: FREE!
- App Store Info
Gwasanaeth S4C i'r plant ifancaf yw Cyw. Ymunwch â byd hudol Cyw drwy gwrdd â'r cymeriadau, darllen straeon, chwarae gemau a dysgu caneuon. Mae'n fyd lliwgar, dwyieithog ac yn gyfle i blant ag oedolion ddysgu a mwynhau yng nghwmni ei gilydd.--
Cyw is S4C's service for the youngest children. Become part of Cyw's magical world, meet the characters, have fun reading stories, play games and learn songs. Cyw's world is safe and colourful, bilingual environment that welcomes children and grown-ups alike to learn and have fun together.
What's New in Version 1.0.1
Mwy o hwyl gyda Cyw.More Cyw fun.