Social Media Marketing Tips For Dummies
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Still working on your social media savvy? Social Media Marketing Tips For Dummies is here to help. This handy app is your on-the-go guide to getting started and getting results from your social media marketing efforts. From creating a personal brand and understanding the latest social media techniques to taking your Twitter account to the next level, figuring out what your Facebook fans want, and more, this app is just what you need to start connecting with your customers and boosting your bottom line.App Features:
Fundamentals section walks you through the social media marketing basics like picking the right URL, maintaining consistency across your brand, writing your social bio, and setting up an editorial calendar
Terms & Concepts section helps you get a handle on social media speak and will familiarize you with emerging social media strategies including attraction-based marketing, push-based marketing, geolocation services, and more
Twitter section focuses on keeping your tweets interesting, providing a timely response, picking a hashtag, and adding some personality to your account
Facebook section teaches you how to engage your Facebook fans, keep your landing page relevant, and use photos and videos to add some fun to your posts
LinkedIn section highlights ways to personalize your profile, make new connections, and take advantage of LinkedIn groups, events, and job listings
YouTube section will give you the scoop on creating the next viral sensation, working with playlists, and making your channel stand out in the crowd
Search feature lets you search the entire app by keyword or phrase to help you find the information you need anytime and anywhere you want it
You’ll be ready to face Facebook, make new LinkedIn links, craft terrific tweets, and make a social media splash with these fun and easy tips from For Dummies.