ABC Easy Writer - Combo HD Free Lite
- App Store Info
3 Apps Combo: All-in-One Tracing of letters and numbersLearning tracing of letters and numbers with oversized large numbers.
- Print Tracing: Upper and Lower case print tracing
- Cursive Tracing: Upper and Lower case cursive tracing
- Numbers Tracing: tracing numbers zero (0) through fifty (50)
- Write the print, cursive, and letters and learn the audio recognition.
- Tracing Guide Animations for each letter and number
- Letter and Number recognition
- Bright and Colorful Visual
- Easy for child to use
- Professionally recorded audio for clear pronunciation .
- Tested by Parents and their kids for ease of use. Design to be used by the kids alone or with parents in an interactive session.
** Suitable for kids 2 years and older