Your Vote - Scotland
- Publisher: Wizitron Ltd
- Genre: News
- Released: 18 Apr, 2014
- Size: 5.4 MB
- Price: FREE!
- App Store Info
Join Your Vote - Scotland and become a part of the largest independent survey on Scottish Independence. Your Vote - Scotland is not affiliated with any political party which means we can keep you upto date with all the latest news from around the web delivered straight to your phone or tablet device.With less that six months to go the debates heating up and with its unbiased approach, push notification news updates and in app stats you can see which way the vote is going broken down by location, age and gender. Keep your vote upto date as your opinion changes and we even aim to show you how the votes of the nation change over time.
Best of all you don't have to be from Scotland to vote. So why not help show the people of Scotland what the rest of the world thinks by signing up and joining one of the most important votes of out time.
What's New in Version 1.2
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