China Tang Verse 300
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" Three Hundred Tang Poems " were elected to the Tang Dynasty poet 77 , total 310 poems , of which 33 Poem poetry , verse 46 , 28 Seven Poems , Seven Poems 50 , Five-character quatrains 29 , seven Introduction quatrains 51 , Zhu poem with notes and commentaries . Poem poetry referred five ancient Tang Dynasty poetry more popular genre . Chinese five ancient pen force ho vertical , spectacular, directly to the narrative , lyrical , argumentative , scenery, its function has been an unprecedented play , which represents writers of Li Bai , Du Fu , Wang Wei, Meng Haoran , Yingwu so on. Seven Poems referred Qigu , originated in the Warring States period, or even earlier . Now recognized as the oldest and most complete Qigu is Pi "Yan Ge Xing ." Northern and Southern Dynasties , Baozhao committed Qigu creation, the derivative will become a vibrant verse . Tang Tang macro Qigu shows put meteorology, and clever , deep open, on behalf of the poet Li Bai , Du Fu , Han Yu . Poem Poems referred five laws are verses Xin Qing Tongzhi published last spring , " Tang commentaries three hundred " kind. Poem from five laws archaic style steep sharp, forceful temperament , subtle and profound , should become the Chinese system , the candidate widely used in daily life as well as poetry theme. Numerous famous Tang Dynasty five laws to Changling , Wang Wei, Meng Haoran , Li Bai , Du Fu , Liu Changqing great achievements . Seven Poems referred Septasyllabic , is a recent poetry , metrical requirements and the same five laws . Qilu from Seven archaic , become the size of the Tang Dynasty period , to consummate Du themselves freely . The Tang Dynasty , Wang Qilu Kathrine there , Du Fu , yin , Du Mu , Luo Yin , etc., absolute beauty , embraced ancient and modern . Five seven poems referred to five unique and Seven are classical verse in quatrains one. Five never originated in the Han, originated in the Six Seven , both in Qi and Liang period molding, Early stages of maturity. Tang quatrains meteorological lofty, outspoken nature , reaching the peak of liberalization chant , famous Li Bai , Wang Wei, Wang Changling , Yingwu , Du Mu , Liu Yuxi , et al .《唐诗三百首》共选入唐代诗人77位,计310首诗,其中五言古诗33首,乐府46首,七言古诗28首,七言律诗50首,五言绝句29首,七言绝句51首,诸诗配有注释和评点。 五言古诗简称五古,是唐代诗坛较为流行的体裁。唐人五古笔力豪纵,气象万千,直接用于叙事、抒情、议论、写景,使其功能得到了空前的发挥,其代表作家有李白、杜甫、王维、孟浩然、韦应物等。 七言古诗简称七古,起源于战国时期,甚至更早。现在公认最早的、最完整的七古是曹丕的《燕歌行》。南北朝时期,鲍照致力于七古创作,将之衍变成一种充满活力的诗体。唐代七古显示出大唐宏放的气象,手法多样,深沉开阔,代表诗人有李白、杜甫、韩愈。 五言律诗简称五律,是律诗 清·同治辛末春刊《唐诗注疏三百首》的一种。五律源于五言古体,风格峻整,音律雄浑,含蓄深厚,成为唐人应制、应试以及日常生活中普遍采用的诗歌题材。唐代五律名家数不胜数,以王昌龄、王维、孟浩然、李白、杜甫、刘长卿成就为大。 七言律诗简称七律,是近体诗的一种,格律要求与五律相同。七律源于七言古体,在初唐时期渐成规模,至杜甫臻至炉火纯青。有唐一代,七律圣手有王维、杜甫、李商隐、杜牧、罗隐等,风华绝代,辉映古今。 五七言绝句简称五绝和七绝,都是古典诗体中绝句的一种。五绝起源于汉,七绝起源于六朝,两者都在齐梁时期成型,初唐阶段成熟。唐代绝句气象高远,率真自然,达到了吟诵自由化的最高峰,名家有李白、王维、王昌龄、韦应物、杜牧、刘禹锡等人。