Fast Downloads

Fast Downloads
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There are similar apps out there...but none as complete as this one! We are proud to inform that our app is the one that supports most file types.

Unlike similar applications we used an open source code to improve the
speed of downloads, you will not believe how fast these files are being downloaded.

✓ Browser.
✓ Fast downloading script.
✓ Live download progress bar for unlimited files.
✓ File Sharing Export/Download from your computer (requires same wifi
✓ Video Player
✓ Photo Viewer
✓ Doc Viewer (See file types below)
✓ Export via email

Supported format:
* All files that are supported by the device will have its respective viewer.

✓ zip
✓ mp3
✓ wav
✓ aiff
✓ aac
✓ 3gp
✓ mp4
✓ m4v
✓ mov
✓ xlsx
✓ docx
✓ pptx
✓ pdf
✓ txt
✓ rtf
✓ png
✓ gif
✓ jpg
✓ jpeg
✓ tif
✓ xls
✓ doc
✓ ppt
✓ pps
✓ ppsx
and more...
If you need assistance please contact us [email protected]
We will be adding additional apps soon!


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