Dua Collection HD

Dua Collection HD
  • Publisher: ALZi LTD
  • Genre: Utilities
  • Released: 14 Dec, 2010
  • Size: 71.3 MB
  • Price: $2.99
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300+ dua (du'a, duaa, duas) which are Islamic supplications from Quran & Sunnah (Hadith). Dua for every occasion including:

+ When waking up
+ When wearing a garment
+ When wearing a new garment
+ To someone wearing a new garment
+ Before undressing
+ Before entering & leaving toilet
+ When starting & completing ablution
+ When leaving & entering home
+ When going & upon entering & leaving mosque
+ Dua related to Athan
+ Dua after takbeer
+ While bowing in prayer
+ Upon rising from bowing position
+ Dua whilst prostrating & between 2 prostrations
+ When prostrating due to recitation of Quran
+ Tashahhud
+ Prayers upon Prophet after Tashahhud
+ After last tashahhud & before salam
+ Remembrance after salam
+ For seeking guidance (Al-Istikharah)
+ Remembrance said in morning & evening & before sleeping
+ When turning over during thr night
+ Upon experiencing fear, unrest, apprehensiveness during sleep
+ Qunoot Al-Witr
+ Remembrance immediately after salam of witr
+ For anxiety & sorrow
+ For one in distress
+ Upon encountering an enemy
+ For one afflicted with doubt in his faith
+ Settling debt
+ For one whose affairs have become difficult
+ When stricken with a mishab
+ Placing child under Allah's protection
+ When visiting sick
+ Dua of sick who have renounced all hope of life
+ Instruction for one nearing death
+ For one afflicted by a calamity
+ When closing eyes of deceased
+ For deceased at funeral prayer
+ For advancement of reward during the funeral prayer
+ Condolence
+ Placing the deceased in the grave
+ Visiting the graves
+ Prayer said during a wind storm
+ Dua upon hearing thunder
+ For rain
+ Dua said when it rains
+ After rainfall
+ Asking for clear skies
+ Upon sighting the crescent moon
+ Upon breaking fast
+ Before eating
+ Upon completing meals
+ Dua of guest for the host
+ To one offering a drink or to one who intended to do that
+ When breaking fast in someone's home
+ Upon seeing the early or premature fruit
+ Upon sneezing
+ To the newlywed
+ The groom's supplication on wedding night or when buying animal
+ Dua before sex
+ When angry
+ Dua said upon seeing someone in trial or tribulation
+ Remembrance said at a sitting or gathering… etc.
+ For the expiation of sins said at the conclusion of a sitting or gathering
+ For someone who does you a favor
+ To one who pronounces his love for you
+ To someone who has offered you some of his wealth
+ To the debtor when debt is settled
+ For fear of shirk
+ Returning a dua after having bestowed a gift
+ Forbiddance of ascribing things to omens
+ When mounting an animal
+ For travel
+ Dua upon entering a town or village… etc.
+ When entering the market
+ For when the mounted animal (or means of transport) stumbled
+ Dua of the traveler for resident
+ Dua of the resident for traveler
+ Remembrance while ascending or descending
+ Prayer of the traveler as dawn approaches
+ Stopping or lodging
+ While returning from travel
+ Upon receiving pleasing or displeasing news
+ To one you have insulted
+ Dua said between the Yemeni corner & the black stone
+ Dua said when at Mount Safa & Mount Marwa
+ The day or Arafah
+ When throwing each pebble at the Jamarat
+ At black stone
+ Dua said against enemy
+ When in fear of a people
+ In times of amazement & delight
+ Upon feeling some pain in the body
+ What to say when in fear
+ Talbiyah
+ When startled
+ To a Kafir when he sneezes
+ Returning a greeting to a Kafir
+ When insulted while fasting
+ When slaughtering
+ What is said to ward off the deception
+ Seaking forgiveness & repentance
+ Excellence of remembrance & glorification of Allah

The Quranic duas are recited by Abdur-Rahman as-Sodais in HQ audio

MP3. Most of the Hadith Dua have high quality audio too.


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