Eugenie Grandet
- Publisher: ez4phone lnc.
- Genre: Books
- Released: 17 Dec, 2010
- Size: 1.9 MB
- Price: $0.99
- App Store Info
Eugénie Grandet is a novel by Honoré de Balzac about miserliness, and how it is bequeathed from the father to the daughter, Eugénie, through her unsatisfying love attachment with her cousin. As is usual with Balzac, all the characters in the novel are fully realized.《欧也妮•葛朗台》是巴尔扎克《人间喜剧》中的“最出色的画幅之一”。小说叙述了一个金钱毁灭人性和造成家庭悲剧的故事,围绕欧也妮的爱情悲剧这一中心事件,以葛朗台家庭内专制所掀起的阵阵波澜、家庭外银行家和公证人两户之间的明争暗斗和欧也妮对查理倾心相爱而查理背信弃义的痛苦的人世遭遇三条相互交织的情节线索连串小说