Matematik Lite
- Publisher: Ulrik Motzfeldt
- Genre: Entertainment
- Released: 23 Oct, 2012
- Size: 1.4 MB
- Price: FREE!
- App Store Info
Matematik is the first math education app in Greenlandic. The app supports Greenlandic, Danish and English.You can choose from 5 games: Addition, Substraction, Multiplication, Division and Mixed.
You can choose from three different levels of difficulty: Easy, Middle and Hard.
Keep trakcs of number of games played by player profile.
Scoreboard keep tracks of scores for each game and level.
Math problems are presented at the top of the game screen, and you are presented with different numbers to choose from.
If you answer wrongly then your time result will be added 2 seconds for each failed answer.
Lower the time you play you better you are.
This LITE version has only the easy level.