R-MAN 03 超級R-Man

R-MAN 03 超級R-Man
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-The R-Man English Comic Series consists of 36 volumes. The soundtrack is in English and includes both Chinese and English subtitles.
-The main characters in the comics are the robot R-Man and the members of Rainbow Family. The humorous dialogues and exaggerated and interesting illustrations of the comics, accompanied by the unique expressions of the voice artists altogether present the environment that kids will encounter in their daily lives whether at home or at school. So, children can naturally feel involved in the stories and learn practical, daily American English conversation from them.
-At the end of the story there is a conclusion to point out the main idea and the meaning of each volume to help children establish the right concepts and also to affect positive changes in their behavior.

-The button in the upper right corner on the first page can be played the complete video of the comic; on each page in the upper right corner there are two buttons, one for playing the single page and another for reading the single page to satisfy the individual user’s learning style.
-Tap the single picture to enlarge it so you can read the words more clearly. Parents don’t need to worry about children straining their eyes to read the small type.
書名Title:《R-Man 03》超級R-Man / Super R-Man
類別Category:美語故事漫畫English Comic Books
出版社Publisher:彩虹兒童文化Rainbow Educational Ltd.
聲音Language/字幕Subtitle:英文English/雙語Chinese & English

新加入彩虹家族的R-Man,不但懂得多,做事又很勤快,所以彩虹家族的每一個人都越來越依賴R-Man了, 但是要處理全家上上下下這麼多的事情,R-Man忙的過來嗎?繼續看下去就知道囉!
R-Man has just joined the Rainbow Family. Not only does he know a lot, but he is also very handy. Everyone in the Rainbow Family stars to depend on him. But can R-Man handle it all? Let’s take a look.

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