Super Powers

- Publisher: Gabriel Dana
- Genre: Entertainment
- Released: 28 Jul, 2011
- Size: 53.6 MB
- Price: $4.99

- App Store Info
★★★★★ Super Powers was featured by AppStore ★★★★★Super Powers is a very fun interactive visual toy, combining music, art and science in one relaxing experience. You have 100+ super powers, make sure you use them to their maximum potential.
The soundtrack is amazing! The tracks will push you further away into a deep relaxation state.
- 100+ super powers
- Multitouch super powers
- Thousands of particles animated at 60 frames per second
- Soundtrack
- Universal app (iPhone, iPod, iPad)
- Double tap to change super power
- Double tap with two fingers to change music
- Make screenshots to share your super powers with your friends
- Multiple play modes
- Multi device gameplay: iPad to iPad, iPhone to iPhone, iPhone to iPad.
- Air Play support (Apple TV Ready)
- Tap corners for menu
What's New in Version 1.3
- UI Enhancements- Better Effects
- Minor Fixes
- New Soundtracks
- Corner tap menu