Happy Children's Songs - Sing, Play and Learn Chinese - Lyrics in Chinese Pinyin 320+)
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Happy Children's Songs - Sing, Play and Learn Chinese - Lyrics in Chinese PinyinIt's a best app you can listen to Chinese songs and learn Chinese with Chinese kid's songs in Mandarin (simplified characters). As well, learning to sing Chinese songs is a great way to learn a language. Many successful language students attribute learning to sing as one of the most powerful, fun, and long lasting ways to pick up a language.
We've selected over 400 best and popular Chinese kid's songs. For every song, we list the complete lyrics and Pinyin for the song. Study the lyrics with shown Pinyin, learn the vocabulary with flashcards. After you are familiar with the Chinese characters, play the song, and sing along. We've included a Karaoke style music player, so you can see the lyrics as they are being sung in the song and you can click the "Speech icon" to listen its pronunciation.
liǎngzhī lǎohǔ
liǎngzhī lǎohǔ liǎngzhī lǎohǔ pǎodekuài pǎodekuài
两只老虎两只老虎 跑得快跑得快
yīzhī méiyǒu ěrduo yīzhī méiyǒu wěiba
一只没有耳朵 一只没有尾巴
zhēnqíguài zhēnqíguài
真奇怪 真奇怪