Alice sur l'iPad

Alice sur l'iPad
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Enjoy a French-language edition of the popular interactive book Alice in Wonderland! A delight for both French-speakers and French language students. “The cleverest iPad book yet" –– Gizmodo "A glimpse of the future of digital reading." –– B.B.C. "A sharp example of how to enhance children's literature on the device." –– "Alice app for iPad points the way toward a new generation of pop-up books.” –– The Independent

“Alice in wonderland iPad app reinvents reading.” –– The Huffington Post
“Alice for the iPad Shows Why E-Books Are Cool.” –– Mashable
"Alice for the iPad will irk luddites with its sumptuous interactive rendering of Alice in Wonderland." ––The Sunday Times
"Incorporates animation like no other eBook to date." –– CNET

What's New in Version 3.0

• A beautiful new remastering.


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