SlapJack Real 真實襟棉胎
- Publisher: Applusoft Limited
- Genre: Entertainment
- Released: 20 Aug, 2011
- Size: 9.4 MB
- Price: FREE!
- App Store Info
SlapJack Real got the "Certificate of Merits " in Smartphone Application Development Contest 2012, jointly organised by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups-----------------------------------------------
SlapJack Real is the most realistic slap jack (heart attack) game on iOS:
‧ the device is effectively a deck of playing cards
‧ flip the device as if flipping real cards
‧ support unlimited number of players
Two game modes are supported:
1. Traditional Mode: For card flipping, players take turn to flip the iOS device.
2. Friendly Mode: Cards are flipped automatically. Players can set the duration of flipping.
Get SlapJack Real to challenge the reaction time of your friends!
Caution: Be careful of slapping hands and your device!
真實襟棉胎在 智能手機APP開發比實 2012 中 取得優異獎。該比賽由香港大學電子及電機工程系與香港青年協會聯合舉辦。
‧ 翻牌的手感
‧ 打人的痛感
‧ 毛手毛腳的快感
‧ 一家大小,朋友聚會,和心上人一齊玩樂的開心感!
1. 傳統模式:玩家需要反轉機器然後擺正以達到翻牌的效果
2. 友善模式:機器自動翻牌,玩家可設定翻牌的時間
1. 震動機器開始或終止遊戲
2. 顯示啤牌:反轉機器然後擺正
1. 小心您的機器給打爛
2. 小心咸豬手
Special thanks to Terry Law for the idea.
特別鳴謝: 構思: Terry Law