Daily Calories
- Publisher: MISOOK WOO
- Genre: Health & Fitness
- Released: 14 Dec, 2012
- Size: 1.7 MB
- Price: $0.99
- App Store Info
★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★The application provides three very useful calculators that will help you improve your health.
Calorie restriction (CR) is a diet that reduces calories and increases maximum life span of many species.
Not yet known if caloric restriction extends the lives of humans,
but is known to be thin, with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of about 21, reduces the incidence of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
The calculator will calculate how many calories you burned during your training run.
► Body Mass Index Calculator
With Body Mass Index (BMI) you can determine when overweight is becoming a threat to your health.
BMI is an indicator that uses height and weight of a person to calculate fat in the adult organism.
► Daily Calories
Check how many calories your body needs per day. Please note your daily activity level.