Circle of 5ths Legend
- Publisher: Eun Jae Lee
- Genre: Music
- Released: 19 Mar, 2015
- Size: 230.0 MB
- Price: $3.99
- App Store Info
A master grade and the latest Circle of 5ths in the series.This App is a new design and concept including all the features that were on previous editions.
Extended key signatures of 14 sharps and 14 flats helps musicians to deep understanding of the circle of fifths. This Edition has enharmonic key spellings that show all key signatures clearly and how each key is related and dependent each other.
The geometry shows that each key is equally distant and how they are visually related in the circle of 5ths.
This App unlocks complete enharmonic key signatures that help to give a deep understanding of the circle of fifths and other related issues.
Circle of 5ths is a comprehensive library for all musicians, composers, music teachers, lecturers, professors, students at all levels and music enthusiasts. It includes various musical components such as key signatures, intervals, scales, triads and so on. They are essential for musicians. The series is designed to help to develop the aural perception as well e.g. relative pitch and perfect/absolute pitch. Just like eyes to see and recognize things or colors, it is important for the musicians to develop their ears to hear musical sounds clearly and be aware of what they are hearing.
• Main benefits
- Mastering Circle of 5ths and key signatures
- Mastering all intervals, triads and scales
- Improving aural perception
- Better in chord progressions
- Better in transcription and arrangement of music
- Musical confidence and improvement in teaching music
- And much more
*** Features ***
1. Circle of 5ths
i. Flat keys, Major enharmonic, Major, All keys, blank, minor, minor enharmonic and sharp keys
ii. Circle of all – 2nds, 7ths, 4ths, 3rds and 6ths
iii. 20 Circle colors
iv. Over 70 different backgrounds to choose from
v. Spotlights (on/off) - iPad version only
vi. Ornamentation (on/off)
vii. Guide rotation
viii. Geometry (New)
ix. 8 points of the compass & angle degree display
2. Circle of 5ths Analog Clock
3. Twelve Astrological/Zodiac signs
i. Chromatic circle
ii. Circle of fifths
iii. 12 zodiac signs, their dates & elements
4. Key Signatures
i. All key signatures with sound!
ii. 3 clefs – treble, alto and bass
iii. Enharmonic key signatures
iv. Scale degree names in Major and minor
v. Quiz
5. Triads
i. Complete triads in 5th with the sound (both chord & arpeggio)
ii. Inversions – root, 1st and 2nd with figured bass
iii. Selectable note
6. Scales
i. Major, natural, harmonic and melodic minor with the sound (fast/normal tempo)
ii. Accidentals and key signatures
iii. Slurred
iv. Solfège – both fixed & movable do (useful for sight singing)
7. Intervals
i. All possible intervals with the sound and musical notations
ii. Note name in the letter
iii. Harmonic and ascending, descending intervals to hear
iv. Intervals table in detail (P1-P8)
v. Intervals summary (P1-P24)
8. More
i. Key signature matrices – order of sharps & flats and others
ii. Formulas with sound
- Modes
- Chords
- Scales
iii. The Overtone series with sound
Memorizing and visualizing the circle is always highly recommended.
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