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Wim is a community app entirely dedicated to the world of cycling.
It’s a platform for millions of cyclists from all ages sharing the same passion for cycling.

Whether daily or occasional cyclist, you now have at your fingertips all the biking information around you.
Cyclists are a community that help each other. WIM offers the possibility to trigger alerts. Whether you have a flat tire, your bike is stolen or you fall, a member of the community can certainly come to help you. Just trigger a warning with WIM and members in your perimeter will be alerted.

Need to rent a bike in a city? Find easily the nearest station with available bikes or free space.

Looking for a bicycle shop, a workshop to repair your bike or a club? Look at the map, there is certainly one close where you are.

A new place to share with the community? Publish it on WIM.

Looking for cycling events? Consult the "News feed".
Need to publish an event you are organizing? Insert it in the WIM’s News feed, the community will be immediately informed.

And please, do not hesitate to contact us to encourage us or to submit new ideas for future versions. We share the same passion than you.

What's New in Version 1.4

Modifications for IOS9
You can now share events with Facebook, Twitter...


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