Link Ladders
- App Store Info
Link LaddersIncredible link puzzle!
Only available in App Store!
- Cool app by Austindd27
"Very amazing game I have played ever. Very addictive and pretty good graphics. Recommended to all!!"
- Excellent Game by AppLoverNotFighter
"Thought provoking and challenging. Great puzzler."
- Отличная игра by italyman1
"Головмка то что надо постоянно играю дизайн супер :) Рекомендую"
Simple and Addictive!
Link ladders to match bottom-numbers to top-numbers.
Tap cross-bars (horizontal bars) to turn them on (dark) or off (gray).
(Dark cross-bars in the beginning are not changed)
Bottom numbers move along the cross-bars first.
Click "GO" to let the bottom-numbers flow along the ladders.
- 4X6 Ladders
- 6X9 Ladders
- 8X12 Ladders
- 10X15 Ladders
- GameCenter
- Hints