The Super Tic Tac Toe for iPhone and iPad Pro HD

The Super Tic Tac Toe for iPhone and iPad Pro HD
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The Super Tic Tac Toe game for one or two players.

If a player wins 3 3x3 boxes in a row, he wins the game.
To start play, tap a small box to place your piece. The next player then has to play in the corresponding 3x3 box.
Player 2 then places his piece, and play continues, with player 1 playing in the corresponding 3x3 box.
The player wins s 3x3 box by getting 3 of his pieces in a row in that box.
If a player plays to a 3x3 box that is already won, his opponent can play anywhere on the board.
If a player wins 3 3x3 boxes in a row, he wins the game.


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