English to Welsh Translator - Welsh to English Language Translation and Dictionary
- Publisher: Sato Shogo
- Genre: Education
- Released: 22 Jun, 2016
- Size: 21.1 MB
- Price: FREE!
- App Store Info
In available offline Translation result HistoryThis is the app to translate between English and Welsh.
Function to read out
Function to clear texts
Function to copy texts
Function to save history
By pressing and holding History Button, you can delete.
By lightly touching History Button, you can re-translate.
Please use this for learning, business, travel and communication with friends abroad.
This app can read out the text of the translation result.
If there is anything unclear, please send email to us or write massages on Support Page.
Support Page
Yn offline canlyniad Cyfieithu Hanes ar gael
Mae hyn yn y app i gyfieithu rhwng y Gymraeg a'r Saesneg.
Swyddogaeth i ddarllen
Swyddogaeth i destunau clir
Swyddogaeth i gopïo testunau
Swyddogaeth i arbed hanes
Trwy wasgu a dal Button Hanes, gallwch ddileu.
Drwy Button Hanes ysgafn cyffwrdd, gallwch ail-gyfieithu.
Defnyddiwch y ar gyfer dysgu, busnes, teithio a chyfathrebu gyda ffrindiau tramor.
Gall hyn app ddarllen testun y canlyniad cyfieithu.
Os oes unrhyw beth yn aneglur, anfonwch e-bost atom neu ysgrifennu massages ar Gymorth Tudalen.
cefnogaeth Tudalen