ICOPS 2016 Conference
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This is the official app of the Association for the IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science Annual Meeting (ICOPS 2016). This year’s meeting will be held at the Banff Center in Banff, Alberta, Canada, June 19-23, 2016.Using the app, you’ll be able to browse the ICOPS 2016 program schedule, build your own itinerary, view the expo hall and venue maps, and read profiles on speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors. You can also check out session descriptions, view general event information and get timely updates through our Twitter feed.
The International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS) is an annual conference coordinated by the Plasma Science and Application Committee (PSAC) of the IEEE Nuclear Plasma Sciences Society. The program of the 43rd ICOPS covers both traditional areas of plasma science and new areas of growth. The conference offers an outstanding forum for scientists and engineers to learn some of the greatest advances in plasma science and technology in recent years and to discuss future directions. Topics covered include: Basic Processes in Plasmas, Microwave Generation and Interactions, Charged Particle Beams and Sources, High Energy Density Plasmas and Applications, Industrial, Commercial and Medical Plasma Applications, Plasma Diagnostics, Pulsed Power and Other Plasma Applications.
Special events include: an Evening Reception, a Banquet, a Women in Engineering event, and a Student and Young Professional’s event all within the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks.
There are two comprehensive mini-courses on Low-power Atmospheric Pressure Plasma (APP) Sources and Diagnostics and on Plasma Simulations.
To register for ICOPS 2016 or to learn more about the Conference, visit http://icops2016.ece.ualberta.ca