Stretching Scuba Diving: Dive deeper & longer

Stretching Scuba Diving: Dive deeper & longer
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Wanna be a good diver ? To dive deeper ? Hold your breath longer?
You need to conserve and make efficient use of oxygen.

Tense muscles, which work harder than relaxed ones, consume oxygen at a faster rate. So, it stands to reason that keeping your muscles supple and your mind and body relaxed will improve your oxygen efficiency . . . and your diving.


Over 100 customizable stretching exercises.
Fully customizable routines.
Create custom workouts.
Clear pictorial information.
Written exercise instructions.
Fully customized exercise player.
On-screen instructions and timer: you can track everything: total time of workout, performing time etc...
Progress tracking.
Backup/Restore Routines.
Listen to your favorite music during workout.
Detail workout progress through various comparisons, graphs and charts.
Track the exact number of repetitions or time you made for each exercise.
All the data from workouts and exercises are saved.
New calendar: access the saved data through an awesome new calendar // navigate through days of the calendar and see when you worked out and what routines you did and how many exercises you did.
Workout progress - see the routines you did and the progress you made on each routines.
Beautiful graphics so you can see how you progress on each exercise.

Why A Diver Should Stretch:
Stretching Increases Flexibility;
Stretching Helps Prepare for a Workout;
Stretching Improves Circulation;
Stretching Promotes Better Posture;
Stretching Can Relieve Stress and Promote Mental Awareness;
Stretching Helps Prevent Injury.

Incorporate these simple stretching exercises into your daily routine and you’ll soon have the flexibility of a yoga master.
OK, maybe not that flexible, but you should benefit from increased range of motion after just a few weeks.


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