Calories Burn Calculator

Calories Burn Calculator
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Do you don't how much calories you burn and lose weight when you do aerobics or gym or workout or running or dancing or walking etc. activities ?

If you're wondering how many calories did you burn while walking, dancing, playing football, or during any other physical activity, you should give this calories burned calculator a try. Basing on the activity type and duration, it estimates how many calories you burned and, consequently, how much weight you can expect to lose.

Activity Include : Aerobics, Baseball, softball, basketball, biking, billiards, boating, bowling, climbing, spelunking, caving, dancing, equestrian sports, fencing, fishing, football (american), football (soccer), golfing, gymnastics, hiking, hockey, ice skating, kitesurfing, windsurfing, martial arts, racquet sports,
rollerblading, rugby, running, sex, skiing, snowboarding, sleeping, using cardiovascular equipment, volleyball, walking, watching tv, water sports, weightlifting/strength training, wrestling and yoga

Also get deep understanding about calories and how we calculate.

What's New in Version 1.1

Fix the dark mode issue and update the user interface.


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