Upskilly CCRN Exam Prep

Upskilly CCRN  Exam Prep
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UPSKILLY CCRN is known for its targeted yet comprehensive content review, innovative learning strategies, and meticulous accuracy. This addresses each section of the most current Critical Care Registered Nurse exam in detail, with detailed rationales for correct and incorrect answers to enforce understanding of key concepts.

This exam prep aids registered nurse who are preparing and planning to take the CCRN examination for critical care practice offered by the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) Certification Corporation.

More than 1200+ review questions offer valuable practice and test-taking experience to prepare you for success on the CCRN-Adult exam.

Install this free version of the exam prep app and try free questions in Study/Test mode before deciding to upgrade.


- Over 1200+ review/practice questions.

- NEW! Completely updated content follows the latest CCRN exam blueprint to ensure that you have the most current information for exam preparation.

- One practice exams feature the same format and content that emphasizes the exam.

- Detailed rationales for correct answers are provided to enforce understanding of key concepts.

- NEW! Professional Caring and Ethical Practice and Multisystem chapters match the latest CCRN -Adult exam.

- Covers everything you need to study to pass CCRN examination.

- Realistic test taking experience.

- Study & Test progress can be tracked and resumed across multiple devices.

- Bookmark feature enables you to mark your favourite questions.

- Access anywhere, no need of internet.

Chapters offer a thorough review on the following topics

- Professional Caring and Ethical Practice (50 questions)

- The Cardiovascular System (330 questions)

- The Pulmonary System (185 questions)

- The Neurologic System (125 questions)

- The Endocrine System (100 questions)

- The Gastrointestinal System (105 questions)

- The Renal System (75 questions)

- The Hematologic and Immunologic Systems (75 questions)

- Multisystem (130 questions)

Please contact us if you have any questions, suggestions, or comments — [email protected]

What's New in Version 1.2.0

Few performance improvements for enhanced study experience.


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