Ruapehu Transport

Ruapehu Transport
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Ruapehu transport allows you to pre-book and hail transport services to and from Mount Ruapehu. Leave your chains at home, skip the carpark, and get on your way!

What's New in Version 2.29.74

This release brings various new features, improvements and bug fixes

- NEW FEATURE - Filter ride options by transit modes
- IMPROVEMENT - Ability to specify pickup, dropoff and number of riders to estimate deep link
- IMPROVEMENT - Short names for transit routes
- IMPROVEMENT - Colours for transit routes
- IMPROVEMENT - Allow rides to be booked without payment method
- IMPROVEMENT - Improved review and tipping flow for services with tipping enabled
- BUG FIX - Only one ride option selected at a time on list of ride options
- BUG FIX - Title of ride options show when there is a service available but no estimates available
- BUG FIX - Added back the latest pickup time when scheduling a trip


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