Simple Fraction Calculator PRO

Simple Fraction Calculator PRO
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Add, subtract, multiply or divide two fractions of your choice. Therefore you must enter 4 variables. Decimals and fractions are supported. The solution is shown step by step. All calculations are stored in the history. The final solution can be shared.

[ Content ]
- the variables for a, b, c and d must be entered
- addition, subtraction, multiplication, division of two fractions
- history function to save input
- detailed solution
- positive and negative numbers, decimals and fractions are supported
- no ads!

[ Usage ]
- there are 4 fields for entering the values ​​using a modified keyboard
- one button to choose your math operation
- if values are missing, the text fields are highlighted
- you can switch between the solution, input view and history by swiping and / or touching the buttons
- the entries in the history can be deleted or sorted manually
- if you select an entry in the history, it will be loaded automatically for the calculation
- the entire history can be deleted by pressing a button

What's New in Version 1.13

- Hindi and Indonesian translation added


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