Hear the Picture
- App Store Info
This is an English word guessing game with a new, fun and crazy game rule that can challenge your English ability.Let's see some examples:
four + mat = format
win + doe = window
you + knight = unite
You can see, pronounciation in English is used to make game rule. So, the illustration of a picture does not tell the answer, but its combined sound does.
---- HOW TO PLAY ----
In this word game, each level has 1 picture, you have to find out 2 words that the picture illustrated, then combined their sounds and make another defined word in English, almost not related to what the picture illustrated.
You will have a tutorial at starting. Because it is a hard game, if you get stuck, there are some tools to help you find out the answer.
There are 100 levels, same difficulty, and will be updated more.
Not easy, but fun; challenge your IQ, practise your English. Sharing and playing with friends or family is more fun.
Thank you, and now, good luck for your playing!