Home » Articles and Reviews by 'Harry Slater'

Here are the 5 best Nitrome games for iPhone and iPad

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 1 month ago
Here are the 5 best Nitrome games for iPhone and iPad

Nitrome is one of those developers that understands mobile brilliantly. Its games are often unique twists on some age-old formula, and more often that not those twists breathe extravagant and interesting new life into a genre. And since we haven't done one of those round up lists for a while, I figured it was high time we decided what the five best Nitrome games are. To be honest, this list could just be a link to Nitrome's App Store page, but that's lazy content and I simply won't stand for it here. You can click on the names of the games below to grab them from the App Store. And if you think I've got it wrong, or just want to talk about your favourite Nitrome game, then feel free to get…

Does Reigns: Her Majesty reign supreme? Watch our video review to find out

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 1 month ago

The 5 best games for iPhone and iPad this week - December 8th

News By Harry Slater, 7 years, 1 month ago
The 5 best games for iPhone and iPad this week - December 8th

Friday has rolled around, which means that it's time to round up the best games that came out this week on the App Store. Because, after all, that's the sort of thing that we like to do on Friday. That and drinking mimosas on the beach. Mmmmmm beach. It's been a pretty good week on the App Store all told, as weeks in December usually are. Devs are rushing to get their games out before everyone gets a new iPhone for Christmas or something, I guess. I dunno, I'm not a dev. That's why I'm writing this. As usual you can click on the names of the games below to grab them from the App Store. And if you've seen anything you think should be included on the list, make sure you chuck them in the com…

Everything you need to know about Reigns: Her Majesty for iPhone and iPad

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 1 month ago
Everything you need to know about Reigns: Her Majesty for iPhone and iPad

It's Thursday again. I hope you're all well rested and invigorated for the mad dash to the weekend. You've probably got Christmas shopping to do on Saturday. I'm sorry that you have friends and loved ones you have to buy things for, it must be very difficult for you. If you're thinking about buying them a game for their mobile, well then you're a bit weird. But we've gone right ahead and picked the best one that's come out this week to shower with attention. And hopefully you're going to shower it with attention as well. You can click the header below to download the game from the App Store. And if you'd like to share your thoughts, feel free to do so in the comments section all the way do…

The best games on sale for iPhone and iPad right now - December 6th

News By Harry Slater, 7 years, 1 month ago
The best games on sale for iPhone and iPad right now - December 6th

Well it's Wednesday again. I'm really not sure how that's happened to be honest, but there you go. You can't stop the wheel of time from crushing you under its tread no matter how hard you try. There's a comforting thought for you. Anyway, Wednesday is when we like to round up the best games that are currently on sale on the App Store. I'm going to be honest with you though, there's not a great deal going for cheap at the moment. If none of these games take your fancy, I'd suggest saving your money. You can click on the emboldened names of the games below to head over to the App Store and grab them. And if you've spotted anything better, feel free to chuck your suggestions in the comments…

How good is GNOG? Well why not watch our video hands-on and find out

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 1 month ago

The Last Jedi is coming soon, so here are the best Star Wars games for iPhone

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 1 month ago
The Last Jedi is coming soon, so here are the best Star Wars games for iPhone

Star Wars fever is already gripping the world, as you might expect with the eighth film very much on the horizon. But just because the film is coming out on the big screen, that doesn't mean you can't push your face into some small screen action in the meantime. So I figured a round up of the best Star Wars games on the App Store was in order. After all, you gotta chase that sweet, sweet SEO whenever you can. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it anyway. You can download the games by clicking on their names below. And if you think there's something that should be included that we've forgotten about, feel free to wham your own suggestions in the comments at the bottom of the page. And may…

It's not all Clash Royale. These are the iPhone and iPad games that we think would make amazing eSports

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 1 month ago
It's not all Clash Royale. These are the iPhone and iPad games that we think would make amazing eSports

Everyone knows that eSports are the big thing right now in mobile gaming. If you don't believe me, check out our sister site Pocket Gamer's coverage of the recent Clash Royale grand finals. It's pretty exciting stuff, y'know, if you're interested in that sort of thing. So far the main thrust of the mobile eSports genre has focused mainly on games like Clash Royale, MOBAs to give them another name. But there's money in RTS games and shooters on other devices, and that got me thinking. What games out there on mobile right now are likely to transfer well to the eSports arena. Basically this is a primer to make sure you're playing the games that are going to end up making you the big bucks in…

Is Neverending Nightmares worth scaring yourself over? Check out our video review and find out

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 1 month ago

The 5 best games for iPhone and iPad this week - December 1st

News By Harry Slater, 7 years, 1 month ago
The 5 best games for iPhone and iPad this week - December 1st

It's the end of the week. That's nice isn't it? Unless you have to work at the weekend. Then I feel sorry for you. I'm sure you'll make it through though, I believe in you, and your overwhelming power to succeed whatever the odds. As it's Friday we're going to round up the best games of the week. Because that's what we like to do on Friday. It's been a pretty damn good week all told, with some big games and some small games and quite a lot of fun games. And we all love fun here at AppSpy. We love it so much. You can click on the bold names of the games below to download them from the App Store. And if there's anything you've spotted on your travels that you think your fellow App-Spiers sho…

Should you be playing Puzzle Fighter for iPhone? Check out our video review and find out

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 1 month ago

Everything you need to know about GNOG for iPhone and iPad

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 1 month ago
Everything you need to know about GNOG for iPhone and iPad

Thursday is here. It's snowing outside. I mean, it might not be snowing where you are, but I can hardly be expected to come round to all of your houses and check outside to see if it's snowing can I? Come on, show some initiative and find out for yourself. While you're doing that I'm going to do the usual Thursday thing of writing about the one game that's come out this week that you definitely should play. We've already discussed GRID Autosport, so it's not going to be that. Because that would be too easy. Instead I'm going to talk about a game that lets you poke around in the brains of a bunch of robots. You can click the name of that game below to download it from the App Store. And if…

The best games on sale for iPhone and iPad right now - November 29th

News By Harry Slater, 7 years, 1 month ago
The best games on sale for iPhone and iPad right now - November 29th

Wednesday always seems to sneak up on you doesn't it? Feels like only yesterday it was the weekend and we were all finding new and exciting ways to express how tired we all are. Time. It's a funny thing. Anyway, Wednesday is when we round up all the best games that are currently on sale for iPhone and iPad. It's a bit of a slow week, as you might expect after the excesses of Black Friday last week. But there's still some decent games to nab for cheap. As usual you can click on the emboldened names of the games below to hop over to the App Store and grab them. Oh, and if you've spotted anything you think should be included, feel free to toss it in the comments for the whole world to see. Go…

Mobile gaming moments of 2017 - Everwing on a beach in Scotland

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 1 month ago
Mobile gaming moments of 2017 - Everwing on a beach in Scotland

The end of the year is fast coming up, which means soon it's going to be time to start creating content about the best games that have come out in the 12 months it's taken the earth to perform one complete rotation around the fiery, living giving sun. Obviously that's going to happen on AppSpy, but I also want to try and do something a little different. I don't want you to think about the best game you've played this year, or the game that you think is the most technically polished. I want you to think about the game that, for one reason or another, has meant the most to you. It could be because you sunk hours into it over the year. It could be because it got you through some hard times. H…

Here's why GRID Autosport for iOS is the racer that petrol heads have been waiting for

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 1 month ago
Here's why GRID Autosport for iOS is the racer that petrol heads have been waiting for

Well, this snuck up on us a little bit. Grid Motorsport is out right now on the App Store. It's a racing game, it's premium, and it's probably the game that hardcore racers have been waiting to land on iOS for a good long while. Why is that? Well, because it's got everything you'd want from a mobile racer, and it's all presented in a package that could well make your eyes bleed. But, like, in a good way. I'm sure there are sometimes ways that eye-bleeding is good. Anyway, I've written some words on the very subject. If you've got past these three paragraphs, I urge you to keep going. Things can only really get better. At least I hope they're going to, otherwise we're all in trouble. Oh, an…