Top three goat games on Android

By , on July 9, 2015
Last modified 9 years, 7 months ago

At AppSpy, we love a good goat. The cute little fellas mix particularly well with mobile games too.

Well, not all games featuring goats have been good - there have been some right stinkers - but the few that have have been excellent.

We've scoured Google Play for the best games featuring goats on Android and come up with this handy list.

Goat Simulator
By Coffee Stain Studios

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Ever wanted to run around as a goat creating mass destruction and eating everything in your path? Well now you can! Well, on your mobile at least. Goat Simulator puts you in all four feet of a goat and lets you do pretty much anything you want.

By Coffee Stain Studios

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GoatZ also lets you be a goat but this time right in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. You'll need to eat at the rate of an average goat to survive - so once every five minutes - and you can craft weapons to whack zombies with.

Goat Evolution
By Tapps

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A clicker in which you combine goats to create entirely new and mutated goat species. Luckily for you, these goats excrete gold which you can use to purchase different types of goats and create some truly frightening mutant versions.

Speaking of goats - do you reckon you can you tell your goat from your goatee? Well, why not put it to the test by playing this awesome quiz we found, 'Goat or Goatee'.

We were goat masters, and scored 12/12. Go on, see if you can match us - if you dare.

To celebrate goats in Android gaming, we're giving away two £50 Steam vouchers. All you have to do to enter is head on over to Twitter, retweet the following tweet, and follow us.

Competition rules

  • The competition closes on Tuesday July 14th, 2015 at 9am BST, and no entries will be accepted after this date.
  • The winner will be notified by Twitter shortly after the closing date of the competition - make sure you are following us so your account can receive direct messages.
  • The competition is open to UK entrants only.
  • AppSpy parent company Steel Media's decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into regarding the winners of the competition.
  • By entering, you agree to the official rules and Steel Media's Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.