The 6 best iOS games to play when Autumn finally rolls in

By , on September 1, 2016
Last modified 8 years, 3 months ago

The seasons are starting to turn, the leaves are starting to fall, the nights are drawing in and soon you'll have to throw away those hot pants and put on some sensible thermal trousers that your mother would be proud of.

Okay so it's not Autumn yet, and only in the Northern hemisphere, but here are a bunch of iOS games to keep you warm when the winds are whipping through skeleton trees and everyone's started banging on about Halloween.

Road Not Taken

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A beautiful, meditative puzzler from Spry Fox. It's part roguelike, part head-scratcher, and all absolutely lovely.

Imagine a game made from all the colours of autumn and you're pretty much there. This is iOS gaming at its most lovely, so go get a hot chocolate and have a play.

The Sailor's Dream

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Year Walk is Simogo's winter game, all sharp edges and frosty looks. The Sailor's Dream is a gorgeous autumnal song lifting over fields that are ready for the first frost.

It's sort of not really a game, but since you're not going to be running around the park anymore, it's worth devoting a few hours to this strangely ethereal experience.

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

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A game that's main hue is a gorgeous orangey brown. It's the perfect adventure for when it's a bit damp out and you can't be bothered to find your waterproof shoes.

Full of mystery and wonder, and with a simple control scheme that clicks on mobile, this is exactly the sort of game to play under the duvet.


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What's more Autumnal than trees? And puzzles? And weird insects? Nothing, that's what, and if you disagree you can shut up and go away.

This is a gorgeous point and click adventure full of weird and wonderful characters, beautiful ideas, and lots and lots of nature. So you won't forget what it looked like when everything was green and a different kind of lovely.

Monument Valley

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If you haven't played Monument Valley yet, then Autumn is the perfect time for it. Start just after tea and you'll probably be finished by bedtime, and you'll have a lovely old time for those few hours.

It's a gorgeous puzzling adventure that's never bright but always sparkles. To be honest you could play it whenever and it'd be great. I just wanted to put it on the list. Leave me alone.


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More trees. This time it's trees that are trying to survive. Or is it? Well I'll let you play the game and find out rather than giving everything away here. Spoilers and all that.

This one's a clever puzzler about chopping branches to give young saplings a chance to reach the sun. You could say it was about pruning them. Because it is. And that's why it's called Prune.