EVERY Telltale game, ranked

By , on September 23, 2016
Last modified 8 years, 5 months ago

Good news everyone! Batman - The Telltale Series is finally out on iOS! Our sister site Pocket Gamer has got a lovely review of the first episode up right now, but what of Telltale's other mobile efforts?

The Californian developer has, well, developed a knack and reputation for making episodic, story driven 'interactive experiences'.

But which of them are hot, and which are not? The Walking Dead, or dead man walking? Minecraft: Story Mode, or Minecraft: Story NOPE? Game of Thrones or Game of NO?

I'll stop now. Here are the seven Telltale games on the App Store, listed from worst to best (not including the old ones like Jurassic Park and Sam & Max, because, like, they're well rubbish mate).

7. Batman - The Telltale Series

Batman - The Telltale Series

That's right, it seems Telltale's latest work is also their weakest. Their attempt at the Batman universe focuses too much on the Dark Knight - a character who, while interesting in his own right, doesn't suit Telltale's storytelling. The series does still have potential, but we need less Bat, more Bruce.

6. The Walking Dead: Season Two

The Walking Dead: Season Two

While The Walking Dead: Season Two offered a welcome opportunity to see (most of) our favourite characters from Season One again, it missed more notes than it hit. Without spoiling anything, the stories and character arcs didn't quite have the same weight as they did in Season One, which was a breath of fresh air. Still, zombies are always cool.

5. Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series

Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series

Telltale's Game of Thrones might get off to a pretty slow start, but once it gets going it nails the details of Westeros - the smaller stories, the soap opera stuff. It even adds depth to the characters (who are all voiced by the same stars as their TV counterparts), and can thereby enhance your enjoyment of the TV show. Not bad for a mobile game, eh?

4. The Wolf Among Us

The Wolf Among Us

As the second game in this mould Telltale made, The Wolf Among us was where the mask started to slip - you could tell your choices weren't quite having the impact you were led to believe. However, The Wolf Among Us remains a well written, fun romp through a colourful comic book universe.

3. Minecraft: Story Mode

Minecraft: Story Mode

The very concept of Minecraft: Story Mode is weird. And it could've died on its arse - the whole point of Minecraft, after all, is to create your own stories. But somehow, Telltale crafted a narrative worthy of the game's source material, and the kid-power story is a perfect analogue to Saturday morning television I so dearly miss.

2. Tales from the Borderlands

Tales from the Borderlands

I'm not sure whether this is more or less odd than Minecraft: Story Mode, but again, Telltale worked wonders with someone else's IP. Tales from the Borderlands is possibly the most impressive one of the lot, too, because it's actually funny. I don't know how they managed it (especially considering the mainline Borderlands games are not funny in the slightest), but these are actually hilarious. Kudos, Telltale.

1. The Walking Dead: Season One

The Walking Dead: Season One

The one that kicked it all off, The Walking Dead: Season One is still Telltale's best work.

Maybe that's just because we all got bored of the formula and the illusion shattered in our minds, but The Walking Dead did have an amazing story, some heart-wrenching moments, and the best characters Telltale has come up with to date. Get it played.