The 5 best memes that got turned into ridiculous games

By , on September 23, 2016
Last modified 8 years, 5 months ago

There's something about memes that are so… young. And I don't mean that they've only existed for a few years. I mean they represent exactly what it means to be a young person in the year 2016: they're fleeting, not funny, and often involve exhibiting one's… delicates. Or drugs. Those too.

Memes also, on occasion, get transformed into another medium. Since playing video games are the second most millennial activity - after creating memes themselves, of course - we thought we'd run down five memes that got turned into great games. Ish.

5. Bud Farm: Grass Roots

Bud Farm: Grass Roots

You can already tell what this is, can't you?

Yes, it's a weed farming sim.

What a world we live in.

You can bake space cakes, hire hippy workers, and - of course - grow weed. The youth of today, eh?

4. Bottle Flip 2k16

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Taking inspiration from the six second craze of the year, Bottle Flip 2k16 continues to rise up the App Store charts. You can flip bottles, uhh…. land them again, aaaannnd…. yeah no that's about it. It probably won't get you a couple of million loops on Vine like doing it in real life would either.

3. Nyan Cat: Lost in Space

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Sorry for making you watch that again. You'd forgotten it, hadn't you? Sorry.

Remember Crazy Frog, too? Sorry again.

The Annoying Orange? That wasn't even funny, was it. The things people will watch, mind.

Seriously though, Nyan Cat: Lost in Space is apparently quite good. But will I be playing it? No sirree. I'd sooner saw off my own meme gland (just inside of the left nostril) than play this. I'm sorry I reminded you of it.



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So, like, what the hell. I know we already featured one weed related game on this list - and I don't want to be seen to be pushing some agenda here - but this is amazing.

GAME OF THE YEAR 420BLAZEIT, to give it its full title, is a mish mash sensory onslaught of 2014's hottest memes, worst music, and most disgusting fonts.

But get this: it was 'crafted' by Andy Sum, part of the team that made one of the greatest mobile games of all time, Crossy Road.

Sometimes I have to remind myself that this is the real world.

1. Harambe vs Capcom

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The greatest meme of our (or, I suppose, any) generation, Harambe has captured the imagination of internet dwellers the world over. Harambe has sparked naval gazing galore, has become the subject of a plethora of conspiracy theories (Bush did Harambe, apparently), and is is even a candidate in the upcoming US Presidential election (#VoteHarambe).

But the greatest (if one can use that term in this situation) outcome of the gorilla's untimely death is the Harambe vs Capcom game.

Developed by Otaku Gang, Harambe vs Capcom is essentially Street Fighter but with Harambe. It even has a 21-strong cast of fighters!

I love the internet.
