The 10 most beautiful games on mobile

By , on October 3, 2016
Last modified 8 years, 4 months ago

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Mobile games are often looked down on in the graphics department. Despite Apple championing a new chip every two weeks and Android phones having more RAM than a highland sheep, many still think of them as 'casual', 'ugly', and 'isn't that just Candy Crush'?

But the App Store and Google Play have some of the most gorgeous looking games in the world up their internet pipes. Let's take a look at some of the best.

Monument Valley

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With bright colours and an overtly Escherian style, Monument Valley is possibly the most striking and distinctive game on mobile, and it deserves to be on every single device. Oh, and it's a puzzle game, if you didn't already know. But I'm sure you did. So that's cool.

Alto's Adventure

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Alto's Adventure is beautiful not only in its aesthetic, but also its music and audio effects - even the powerups are designed with an elegance rarely seen in a 2D endless runner. It's my default relaxation game, and I urge you to check it out.


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Rymdkapsel's minimalist look is just so pleasing on the eye, and its puzzle piece rooms so satisfying to slot together, that it's as close to an essential mobile game you'll get. While the spooky sci fi soundtrack is similarly impressive, Rymdkapsel is also perfectly playable while listening to a podcast or your own music, which is all too rare.

And did I mention the fonts? God they're beautiful. I realise that's a weird thing to say about a bit of white writing, but look at it and tell me that's not the best you've seen since Comic Sans.

Big fan of those cube guys, too.


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Prune is beautiful in its look, art, music - everything.

But more than that, Prune is delightful in its ideas, in its mechanics, and in its message. It needs to be played to be fully appreciated, but rest assured this is not just a gardening simulator. Go play it.


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CounterSpy may not be the best game ever, but it's still worth a go. Its 60s, cold war, spy era art style is just amazing. Imagine the best of old-Bond crossed with the coolest looking film of all time - The Man From U.N.C.L.E. - all plumped into a nice little mobile game - not bad, huh?

Hitman GO

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It's basically a bespoke board game in your pocket - with free bald action figure!

The tactile feel of Hitman GO is impressive - the animations, the sound effects, the £200 as you pass go...

No wait, that's a different game. This one's still good though.


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The first 'arty' game I remember playing, Limbo proves games can be art. As if that's ever been in doubt. Black and white for the win.


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Remember what I was saying about cool spy stuff re: CounterSpy? Yeah, that all applies here too, with the added bonus of perfect comic book presentation, and actually being an incredible game.


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Threes! might not fit the standard definition of 'beautiful', but god damn look at those card drawings. They're so cute!

Device 6

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Device 6 is pleasing to look at / listen to / play and all the rest of it, but what's so unique is the way it guides you round its world. It's essentially an interactive novel, but turning a page is sooo 20th century. Instead, Device 6 leads you down a stairwell made of words and round a house made of usable objects, in a masterclass of graphic design.

Get it played.