5 games we want to see first on Nintendo NX

By , on September 29, 2016
Last modified 8 years, 4 months ago

Nintendo's NX is coming out soon! Probably, maybe. We don't really know. Ah well, I'm sure it will get announced soon! Right, Ninty?

Either way, the rumour is it's going to launch in March 2017, so a reveal must be coming soon. And you know what that means! Games! Woop woop.

Given the mess the Wii U got into - partly because of poor marketing and inherent problems in the console itself, but also partly due to its poor launch lineup - the NX needs a strong start. So here's five games we want to see first on Nintendo NX.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Yeah, if this could finally come out, Nintendo, that'd be great.

Seriously, how long has it been since the last proper 3D console Zelda game? Five years, that's how long. Skyward Sword was released in 2011. That is aaaages ago! How could they leave me hanging like this? Why do they do this to me?!

Seriously. Hurry up with this game. And if it can show significant improvements over the upcoming Wii U version then you've got an easy (if belated) system seller on your hands.

Mario Kart NX

Mario Kart 8

Mario Kart is arguably the perfect multiplayer game. It's cute, fun, accessible, and will make you want to kill your friends. What's not to like?!

The rubber banding might annoy some people, but it brings together people of all skill levels, so you never get an easy win (or too heavy a loss).

And if Mario Kart 8 is anything to go by, MK9 (or MK NX, or whatever stupid name they end up giving it) will be beautiful. Even the DLC of 8 was amazing. Just try not to overwhelm us with a load of Animal Crossing and Zelda characters, yeah Nintendo? You've got Smash Bros. for that. Talking of which…

Super Smash Bros. NX

Super Smash Bros.

You can track the sales success of Nintendo's home consoles by the years in which Super Smash Bros. is bad.

Super Smash Bros. Melee? Great! Gamecube? Not so great.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl? Bad. Wii? Amazing!

Super Smash Bros. U? Good! Wii U? Not so good.

It's for this reason I want the NX's Smash to be terrible. Make it really bad, Nintendo. It'll be a sacrifice, but it'll be worth it to rule the world again.

Man, I feel like the Devil trying to convince Nintendo to sell me its soul.

A proper Pokemon adventure


I'm fed up of this Battle Revolution and Pokken Tournament nonsense. I want a proper, fully fledged Pokemon game that looks gorgeous, which I can then take to work with me using the NX's portable controllers. PLEASE, Nintendo. It's all I've wanted, my whole life - other than for Pokemon to exist in my own neighbourhood, which I already got this summer with Pokemon GO, but God DAMMIT I'm not satisfied yet.

Super Mario Galaxy 3

Super Mario Galaxy 2

Super Mario Galaxy, according to some, is the greatest game of all time. And the second one ain't bad either. Super Mario 3D World was great, don't get me wrong. But it's time, Nintendo.

It's time.