4 iPad and iPhone games you could play instead of Pokemon Sun and Moon

By , on October 13, 2016
Last modified 8 years, 4 months ago

Pokemon Sun and Moon is coming out soon. Lots of other sites are posting hands-on previews and all that standard hype-cycle nonsense. Not here at AppSpy though, oh my word no.

I mean there are two reasons for that. First I haven’t played the stupid game, and second we’re an iOS focused site so it wouldn’t really make any sense to try and get content out of a game we don’t cover. Or would it…?

If, like us, you think that the only proper gaming on the go involves playing on a device that you can make phone calls with, then this is the Pokemon Sun and Moon article for you. Because it’s about games that are a bit like Pokemon Sun and Moon that you can play on devices that you can make phones calls with. Tenuous!

Pokemon GO

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Well it was pretty obvious this was going to be first on the list, right? I mean what else was I going to put here? Something that required more research? Ha, you don’t know me at all, do you?

We all know what Pokemon GO is. It’s a game about GOING and getting POKEMON. Sun and Moon might not be set in the real world, but this game is, so go and get some fresh air you pasty skinned shut-in.

Pocket Mortys

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I played this game before I watched Rick and Morty and I really enjoyed it. Now I’ve actually watched Rick and Morty I’m convinced it might be exactly as good as I said it was the first time round. I don’t change my mind.

Anyway it’s basically Pokemon but you’re collecting slightly dim witted small boys instead of adorable little creatures. It’s pretty darn funny as well. Give it a go, you might do a smile and a laugh.

Teeny Titans

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I also really like this game. It’s essentially Pokemon but you’re playing as Robin and sometimes you dress up as a dog for reasons I don’t really understand. And you don’t catch wild Teen Titans, you buy little figures of them.

The battles are smart and fast, and there’s enough of a twist on the turn-based template that you’re going to find something fresh here. Plus it looks lovely. Plus plus Robin in a dog costume.


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It doesn’t have the monster collecting particularly, and it probably owes more to Zelda than the Pokemon, but it’s a big expansive adventure with a scope much larger than you usually find on the App Store.

So there we go, that was actually quite a good list. I wouldn’t get used to it, normal service will almost certainly resume the next time I have to write anything. Until then, Robin in a dog costume!