3 reasons why you shouldn't buy PSVR!

By , on October 14, 2016
Last modified 8 years, 3 months ago

Finally. FINALLY! After what feels like a lifetime of waiting, a VR headset is at last available to the public.

What's that? Samsung Gear VR and HTC Vive have been out for months now? And nobody's noticed? Oh.

And Nintendo kinda did VR with the Virtual Boy back in 1995? And that failed too? Oh. Well then.

Maybe PSVR will do better?

In all seriousness, PSVR is the most likely of all of them to succeed: it has the backing not only of Sony, but also a huge existing platform and the market leader of the current generation in the PS4 and PlayStation brand as a whole.

You don't need another expensive box to use PSVR, you don't need to build a £1000 PC, you don't need any huge technical knowledge, it's launching with huge recognisable exclusive titles like Batman: Arkham VR and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Jackal Assault, and it's not even that expensive to buy the headset in the first place.

"This all sounds great", you say. "I'm going to rush out and buy one this instant!"

Well before you do, sit down. You should definitely not buy PSVR.

"Why?", you ask? These three reasons are why, my friend.

1. There are no good games


Think about it. What games are out for PSVR right now that you really want to play?

Sure, you're intrigued by the prospect of DriveClub in VR, and an exclusive Call of Duty mission is great, and RIGS looks cool - but are you really that bothered by any of these?

No, is the answer to that. There's nothing you're really desperate to play, so why are you so desperate to go out and splash £350 on the headset itself? Better to wait until it has a decent backlog for you to sink your virtual teeth into.

2. You have to use PlayStation Move

PlayStation Move

Yeah, remember PS Move? It was terrible. Gimmicky, poor at tracking your movements, a complete carbon copy of the Wii, and had no good games. Sound familiar?

And now you have to use them again. Except this time they've doubled in price, because capitalism. Yay.

3. VR is a flash in the pan / a fad / a waste of money

Virtual Boy

VR is cool. I get it. I agree! But realistically, how many people are going to be able to afford a headset, plus games, especially when they might've just forked out for an Xbox One S or a PS4 Pro? Not to mention the lack of a killer VR app and the fact that FIFA, Call of Duty etc are all non VR games.

You'll get a hardcore audience lapping it up, sure, but that small section of the market is not worth pandering to from a developer's point of view.

The game releases will dry up, you'll get bored of having nothing to play, and you'll inevitably trade it in when FIFA 18 is on the way.

Welcome to the post-Kinect world.