Not playing PinOut? Here are 3 reasons you should be

By , on November 2, 2016
Last modified 8 years, 3 months ago

Pinball. That’s old hat, right? The sort of game that you can’t even start to fit in your pocket. WRONG! Because PinOut has just been released and it’s like pinball reinvented for cool people like you and me.

Of course by cool people I mean cool people who like to play on their phones. And who like really bright neon lights. And who are reading this. If you’re not reading this then I’m sorry, but you’re not cool at all.

Anyway, here are a bunch of reasons you should get your fingers on PinOut as soon as is humanly possible. Which is pretty soon in our connected digital world.

It’s pinball for the now times

The game is like a mix between pinball and a platformer. Let that information sink in for a bit. Let it slosh around in your brain hole. How good does that sound? If you answered pretty good, you win a cookie.

Mobile games have always been innovative, and it’s lovely to see one that pushed a couple of older genres out in exciting new directions. Exciting new directions for the win.

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Big bright neon shinies

It’s always good to see a game that LOOKS different. And PinOut does. It looks bright and cool. Like if the world of TRON had an arcade in it that you could go and play games in. TRON-ception sort of.

Plus it doesn’t look like Crossy Road. And right now if a game doesn’t look like Crossy Road right now it’s worth a couple of extra points in my book. And more points in my book means, well, literally nothing.


Not only is pinball from the past, but the developers of PinOut have also made other games in the past. Wow, that was tenuous.

Anyway, Does Not Commute is an excellent time-warping game about making sure that cars don’t crash into each other. And Smash Hit is a game about smashing the things that you hit. And they’re both really good. Like PinOut. Lots of good games! Yay!x