4 reasons Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare would be better on mobile

By , on November 4, 2016
Last modified 8 years, 3 months ago

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is apparently a big deal in the world of non-mobile games. Do you like shooting things and explosions and jet packs? Well then this is the game you’ve been waiting literally one year for.

But as we all know, it’s way better to play games on your phone or tablet that on silly cumbersome joypads. I mean, come on, whoever thought they were a good idea? Not me, that’s for sure.

So here are a bunch of reasons that CoD: IW would be better on your phone. Some of them are serious, some of them are not serious, some of them might even be complete nonsense. But life is a journey, and we’re taking this part together.

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It’ll fit in your pocket

Everyone knows that the true aim of the true gamer is to never stop playing. But sometimes you have to go outside. Maybe you need to get a sandwich or something? Or your house might have caught on fire.

Well if you’re playing on a console or PC then you’re stuffed. But if you’re playing on your phone you can just pop to the shops or stand outside basking in the warmth of the flames as you keep head-shotting noobs.

Less buttons

We all know that the worst thing about gaming is the buttons. What do they all do, what are they for, why are they different colours on different systems, why must I push them all the time to make things happen?

Well there are hardly any buttons on your phone. And you almost never use them when you’re playing a game. Isn’t that much nicer? Isn’t it much cleaner? Why do we even need buttons nowadays? I don’t know, and I don’t think I’m qualified to answer.

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Less graphics

The main thing that gets in the way of gameplay nowadays is graphics. Why are there so many of them? Do we need that many graphics? We didn’t used to have them in the past and games were just as good, if not better.

And on your phone there will definitely be fewer of them. I mean it’s not a dedicated gaming console. It’s a phone. So there will be SOME graphics, just not as many. And that’s a better thing because of all the reasons.

You can call your mum quicker

The best thing to do when you’re being picked on is to tell an adult. That’s just a fact. So having your phone out and ready while you’re playing the game means it’s that much easier to call your mum and tell her that some ignorant children from another country are calling you names.

It doesn’t have to be your mum though. Any responsible adult will do. An uncle, a teacher, a priest. Maybe not a priest. Just make sure that you get the help you need and show the meanies on the internet that you’re not scared of them.