3 mobile games that might just scratch your Mass Effect Andromeda itch

By , on November 7, 2016
Last modified 8 years, 3 months ago

Right now everyone is talking about Mass Effect Andromeda. And rightly so, because it looks ridiculously amazing. And that’s coming from me, that guy who doesn’t really care about all that much.

But it did get me thinking (stop groaning in the back) about games on the App Store that are a bit like Mass Effect. So I’ve gone right ahead and written a list of those games in order that you can read it and then go and play them.

I mean you don’t have to do any of that, but it would be nice if you appreciated the effort I’ve put into thinking up and then writing this list. Maybe give it a thumbs up or something, I don’t know, i don’t really know how the internet works.

Out There

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Space is big and sad and lonely. Like a lot of space is just that, space. Endless nothingness that stretches farther than the human mind can even comprehend. And Out There properly understands that. Space will kill you, and if it doesn’t kill you it’ll definitely depress you.

There’s a grimness to Out There, and a scope as well that few other games on the App Store can lay claim to. It might not have the action that the Mass Effect series has strayed into since its inception, but you’d be hard pressed to find a better space opera.

Knights of the Old Republic

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You’ll find an awful lot of the DNA of the Mass Effect games was already in place back when Bioware made this RPG classic. Again the violence is different, but the interplay between the characters and the huge sweeping story are brilliant primers for the ME series.

This is probably the closest you’re ever going to get to playing a real Mass Effect game on mobile, at least for the time being. So pick it up, give it a go, and spend about 50 hours in a galaxy far, far away.

Neon Shadow

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Look, this is a pretty difficult list to populate, and I’m doing my best here. Neon Shadow is a meaty sci-fi action shooter with a focus solely on the bang-bangs. There’s no scope here, just lots and lots of explosions in spaceship corridors.

So maybe play Out There for a bit, then play some Neon Shadow and it’ll basically be just like playing Mass Effect Andromeda. But not as good looking and with some strange spaceships and helmets thrown in for good measure.