3 games that need to be turned into movies like Neko Atsume

By , on November 9, 2016
Last modified 8 years, 3 months ago

Neko Atsume is getting a live action film. Let that sink in for a bit. Real live cats, real live action. It’s basically the greatest thing that has ever happened in the history of the entire universe. And if you disagree I hate you.

Obviously though that got me thinking about other mobile games I’d like to see turned into live action movies. Because that’s how the thought process of a millenial games journalist works, I guess.

So here, in list form, are some other games that should, and probably will, be turned into films. If you’ve got your own suggestions stick them in the comments down there are the bottom of the page.

Flappy Bird

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Imagine the tension. Imagine the edge-of-the-seat, pulling out fistfuls of your own hair tension. As that plucky bird lines up another attempt to slip through those pesky pipes.

I imagine this one would be rated R, for scenes of graphic violence. Not in the movie itself, but in the audience. If you got angry playing it, imagine how angry you’ll get watching it. That’s the tagline right there.

Goat Simulator

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I guess that this would be a shoddy indie production. It might even just be two hours of someone playing the game and making the goat do silly things. I think I might even watch that.

Like, I wouldn’t pay attention, but it would be an amazing background noise film. Just looking up every now and then to see a goat with a ridiculous tongue swinging around a crane. Oscars all round I think.


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A bunch of snakes vie for supremacy in a world filled with, well pretty much nothing if we’re honest. Then I guess one of the snakes would get too big and some plucky youngsters would have to take it down.

From there it pretty much writes itself. I mean if this happens I still want a story credit, but I’m happy to let someone else fill in the finer details. The fine deets as we all call them in Hollywood. I’m thinking Mark Whalberg for the big snake. Call me.