4 reasons that F1 2016 is super exciting

By , on November 10, 2016
Last modified 8 years, 3 months ago

F1 2016 is out on the App Store right now. And that’s a pretty exciting thing to type. So exciting in fact that I’ve decided to create a list of reasons that it’s exciting.

And no, before you ask it’s not all going to be “because cars is good”. I’m actually putting some thought into this one. So you’re welcome.

Er, paragraph three. I could just fill it up with car noises, but if anything that’s going to prove paragraph two wrong. I think my favourite racing driver is probably Nigel Mansell. Because I respect a man who can pull off a stache in a helmet. That sounds a bit dodgy. Okay, list.

It’s not free

That’s exciting in and of itself. This isn’t some free to play mobile F1 team manager sim or a pared down excuse to use the license. It’s a big thick premium experience that’s been designed for phones and tablets.

It might not work, people might not buy it - I mean if you ask some people they’ll say that free to play has won and there’s no space for premium games on the App Store anymore. But we’ll see. We’ll show them, let’s go buy F1 2016 right now.

It’s got all the cars

There are few things worse than playing a game where all the names, cars, drivers, tracks, and colours are wrong. But this is the official game, the big one, so all of the names are here and in the right order.

I know it might seem like a little thing, but that sort of authentic experience is key to a game like this succeeding. You are Lewis Hamilton. You are one of the other ones whose names I can’t remember, and that’s pretty cool.

It’s lovely looking

That’s important as well. This is a super polished racing experience. Sure it might not be as impressive looking as the console versions, but it’s still got some chops. This is the sort of game you’ll whack out to show your friends.

If mobile gaming is going to be taken seriously then that’s exactly what we need. Games that strut around like they rule the roost both in terms of looks and gameplay. Which leads us to…

It’s meaty

There’s a huge game here. And it’s smartly handled as well. Alongside the usual race modes, the game also offers weekly challenges. The sort of weekly challenges that we see in loads of other mobile games.

In other words it takes the best of the console generation, wraps it into a delicious mobile breadcake and then serves it on a platter of shiny new ideas. That was mainly gibberish, but it’s the best of both worlds and it fits in your pocket.

Because cars is good

Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.