4 iPad and iPhone games to warm you up this winter

By , on November 21, 2016
Last modified 8 years, 3 months ago

Winter is closing in. It’s cold, it’s miserable, and you’ve probably started digging around in your drawers to find that scarf you so haphazardly stowed when spring rolled around.

Unless you’re in the Southern hemisphere, in which case it’s probably quite hot. But I’m not in the Southern hemisphere, I’m in the Northern hemisphere, so we’re going to roll with what I can see out of the window.

And what I can see out of the window is endless miles of grey misery. God I love winter. Anyway, here are some of the best chilly games to really get you in the mood for going outside and trying to avoid hypothermia.

Alto’s Adventure

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A wonderful, surprisingly addictive endless runner that sees you sliding down the side of a mountain. There’s snow, there’s dead trees, and there are more llamas than you’d usually see in a game.

It looks absolutely gorgeous and there are plenty of challenges to keep you sliding for a good long while. If you’ve not played this one yet then winter is pretty much the perfect time for it.

Year Walk

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There’s just something cold about Simogo’s mysterious adventure game. Everything is either frozen or dead or weird, and that pretty much sums up my entire experience of winter in three simple words.

Coloured in blacks, whites, and stark purples, this is a beautiful example of how a palette can dictate mood. It’s also one of the best games on the App Store. I’m pretty sure you’ll have played it by now, but if not, go and play it right now.

A Good Snowman is Hard to Build

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It’s true you know, building a good snowman is pretty damn difficult. And this smart puzzler makes it even more difficult by restricting your movements and forcing you to put together your frozen friend in a specific way.

It’s also heart-warmingly twee. All the snowpeople you build have their own little personalities and outfits. So yeah, adorable frozen puzzling fun that’s sure to make you feel all fuzzy inside even if the darkness of the end of the year is encroaching from all sides.

Roller Polar

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A brilliant one-touch arcade game with all the flare that we’ve come to expect from Nitrome. Roll around on your snowball leaping over the obstacles that it picks up. It’s basically real-life, but you’re a bear instead of a sad, cold person.

You might just be chasing high scores, but you’re chasing them with style, panache, and more than a dollop of slapstick tragedy. And who doesn’t love a bit of slapstick tragedy when the windows are frozen and you can’t afford to turn the heating on.